Specific Gravity: 1.18 – 1.2 kg/L

Pack Size: 20L; 1000L

LABEL – Coron 30-0-0 (3/23)



Coron 30-0-0 is a unique foliar fertiliser that contains polymethylene Urea solution, a controlled-release Nitrogen source.


Coron’s low burn potential, wash-off tolerance, reduced drift and low surface tension make Coron a valuable addition to any nutritional program. When Coron is applied to foliage, the plant stores the Nitrogen and releases it according to the plant’s nutritional needs. Coron gives plants a consistent, stable source of Nitrogen for weeks, reducing nutrient run-off concerns and helping solve over-application or under-application problems.

Coron 30-0-0 provides the plant with an immediate source of Nitrogen in the form of Urea which the plant will use first. The other 25% of the formulation is methylene Urea – this provides the plant with controlled release Nitrogen to become available over time.

Coron 30-0-0 is formulated for rapid plant growth, with key benefits of:

  • Highly efficient source of ammonicial N
  • Rapidly absorbed after application
  • Resistant to wash-off by rain or sprinklers
  • Slowly released into plant system
  • Has a CRN component that assimilates over 2 to 8 weeks
  • Contains N preferentially translocated into vegetative tissue


Coron 30-0-0 is a foliar Nitrogen supplement for use during crop development in a variety of horticultural and broad acre crops. Very little volatilisation or Nitrogen loss occurs with Coron. The resinous nature of the product allows for drying over a long period of time and minimal phytotoxicity risk compared to other foliar sources.


Ideally Coron 30-0-0 is used as a supplement to and in-furrow or granular based fertiliser program, as a supplement used through the cropping cycle. Coron 30-0-0 is extremely compatible and can be tank mixed with a range of insecticides, fungicides and other foliar fertilisers. See the Product label for comprehensive information on rates and application methods. Before application seek advice from your Campbell’s distributor or your local agronomist.